Want to Make Restaurant Style Dal Makhani?

Want to Make Restaurant Style Dal Makhani?

When we think of cinnamon, we get the picture of cinnamon buns, the ones with thick cream cheese icing. It’s unfortunate that such a versatile spice is associated with a sweet and relatively unhealthy snack. (although we must admit it’s one of our faves).

But in Indian cuisine, cinnamon is used everywhere. As it should be, the spice works well with salty and sweet. At our Indian restaurant in Melbourne, cinnamon is a staple in several different dishes.

Whether you’re working with true cinnamon, or not, the spice itself is used in so much including in our fabulous vegetable dish, Dal Makhani.

Dal Makhani Recipe (packed with all of cinnamon’s goodness!)



  • One small piece of chopped Ginger, chopped
  • ½ cup corn
  • 1 cup of urad daal (black matpe beans)
  • 2 cup of rajma beans
  • 1/4 cup ginger
  • Four pods of cardamom
  • stick of Cinnamon
  • red chilli powder according to taste
  • Pinch of salt
  • 4 tbsp. Butter
  • 2 tbsp
  • 2 tsp. fenugreek powder
  • 1 tsp. Garam masala
  • 2 tbsp. Fresh coriander leaves, chopped
  • ¼ cup cream



First, boil 2 cups of water. Add chopped vegetables including corn. Let boil for 5 min.

Then grind the ginger, garlic, cinnamon, and cardamom with 1 – 2 tbsp. of water to create a fine paste.

Now add beans, lentils, mushrooms, ground paste, red chilli powder and salt to the boiling vegetables. Meanwhile, take 3-4 cups of water and soak the whole black urad daal overnight.  While preparing the gravy, cook the soaked dal and rajma in the same water with salt, red chilli powder and half the chopped ginger till dal and rajma are cooked and soft.

Mix well, then let the vegetables cook. Add ginger puree with 2 tbsp. of butter to the vegetables

Season with garam masala and coriander. Add cream and lower heat.

Serve with a bit of butter and rice.  Enjoy the heavenly Dal Makhani!


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